Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Atlantic Conference Sessions

We now have a better idea of presentations that will take place at the AC in Corner Brook. Four sessions will be presented by Newfoundland and Labrador school boards: a French session on the challenges of being a minority, English sessions on Teachers Recruitment, Development of Local Learning Initiatives, and a session for New Trustees. Nova Scotia is also providing a session on Personal Decision-making Style and how it can affect board's decision-making. PEI has agreed to be responsible for three sessions: one on Memory Training by Jay Gallant (FSB), one on the Robert's Rules of Order by Bob Clow (ESD), and one on the Task Force on Student Achievement by Gary Doucette (WSB) and Sandy MacDonald (super at the ESD).

Thanks to all! Thank you, PEI!

CSBA Congress Program now available

Your board now has received a .pdf version of the program of Congress 2006. Check it out! Hope you can come to Montreal with us. The PEISTA is looking into saving us money and having a tour bus available to get us over to the Congress and back. Should make the trip a lot cheaper and a lot better!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Draft PEISTA Logo

Here is our Draft Logo. Send us your feedback!

Parent and Teacher Views on Education

More than 2000 parents and 2000 teachers took part in a survey in June 2005, giving their views of the public education system. The survey compares the views of the two groups on issues such as assessment and accountability, school climate, leadership, parental involvement, and the teaching profession. If you want to read more about the report, go to www.aceresearch.ca

Weblog launched officially!

The Board of Directors of the STA met tonight and approved this weblog as the official PEISTA website. We are very proud of this communication tool, and hope you list it under your 'favorites'! Make sure you visit us often: we'll have links for you, news for you, and lots more, just for you! If you have ideas for us, comments to make about the log, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here 24/7!!

You may also come across our "draft" logo on a few CSBA documents. It is a draft, and we'd like your input.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tidbits you should know!

The Atlantic Conference Registration forms are out! Contact your board office to know how you can register. More info to come very soon.

CSBA Congress 2006: Watch for a pamphlet coming out soon to all trustees regarding the event and all its goodies. You should receive it before Christmas.

CSBA Compass Fall 2005: A new edition of Compass is out. To check it, click here!

Thursday, December 1st: STA meeting, at the Eastern School District, starting at 7. Why don't you join us?

Keep coming back to our weblog to stay on top of Trustees' matters.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

PEISTA's New Executive

At a recent STA meeting, Anne Miller, representative of the Eastern School District, was elected Vice-President of the Association, and Nancy Wallace, representative of the Western School Board, was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Congratulations to both!

The Executive of the Association also includes the President, Marie Dionne-Sullivan from the French School Board, who was elected as President last June.

These three ladies will be working very hard for you over the next few months, along with the other Directors on Board, Jay Gallant (FSB), Dean Bryan (WSB) and Francine Arsenault (FSB). There is presently a vacant seat which will be filled by a trustee from the ESD.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mill River Leadership Convention, Nov.4-5, 2005

It's that time of year again!

This year, trustees will have the opportunity to share and discuss issues with education partners on the Island. The STA will bring greetings to delegates on Friday afternoon. Come be part of this welcoming time!

Also, you can plan to attend an STA meeting. That's right, the STA will be meeting briefly on Saturday morning, over breakfast (8:15). Come witness the elections of our Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer, and cheer on the winners!

Atlantic Conference 2006

Now is the time to consider traveling to Corner Brook, NL, at the end of January.

NLSBA will be hosting the Atlantic Conference, and it will surely be a success. The keynote speaker is Tom Hedderson, Chair of the CMEC and Minister of Education for NL, and many great presentations are in store for you. Enjoy the Friday night banquet at the Marble Mountain Resort, take in some night skiing, meet some fellow trustees from around Atlantic Canada, love the charm of Corner Brook, and take it easy at the Holiday Inn... All this at the Atlantic Conference 2006, January 26th to 28th. Consult your board for more details.

Make sure your seat is reserved on that special flight to Deer Lake! See you there!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Congress 2006: Let's get ready!

More info is available regarding Congress 2006 on the QESBA site. Read the preliminary program and the messages from the President...You might be surprised to read that Guy Lafleur is going to be there! See the CSBA message. Montreal in May...it's a rendez-vous!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Professional Development at Mayfield, October 14th & 15th

Feedback from the PD session last weekend was very positive. Here are a few samples of the comments we received:

"Great job!"

"Super job and very educational."

"Lots of fun."

"Hope to see this format each year."

"Schmoozing with my peers, making new friends, focussing on our 'power' (or lack of same!) - all contributed to my sense of trusteeship and sharpened my ambition. Thank you!"

"Linda made it quite interesting. Great session with our own Boards but difficult to facilitate and cover the issues."


"The best one yet. It's nice to see all boards have common problems. We can work together. Keep up the good work. Great weekend!"

"I loved Jay's singing! In fact, all the singers were great, even when they weren't!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

PEISTA goes high tech

The PEISTA has a blog! Come visit us as often as you wish for info on our Association.